Research interests: software reliability, quality assurance of machine learning systems including autonomous vehicles, software testing, automated program repair, text analytics of software artifacts, and mining software repositories, and in the broad area of software engineering.
I am looking for a few students (funding available for Master's and PhD)
Time to Retrain? Detecting Concept Drifts in Machine Learning Systems
Tri Minh-Triet Pham, Karthikeyan Premkumar, Mohamed Naili, and Jinqiu Yang
To Appear in the 47th International Conference on Software Engineering - SEIP Track
Bias Unveiled: Investigating Social Bias in LLM-Generated Code.
Lin Ling, Fazle Rabbi, Song Wang, and Jinqiu Yang.
To Appear in the Thirty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Towards effectively testing machine translation systems from white-box perspectives.
Hanying Shao, Zishuo Ding, Weiyi Shang, Jinqiu Yang, Nikolaos Tsantalis.
Empirical Software Engineering Journal